Rowing is one of the oldest sports in the country. It involves all major muscle groups, improves cardiovascular endurance and strength. Rowing offers a no impact, total body workout. It is a sport for all ages.
Practice location is based on river conditions and weather, therefore the decision must be made the same day. Check the TeamSnap App for details on practice location.
Indoor erging practice is held at RMU Island Sports Center, 7600 Grand Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15225.
Winter 2024/2025 – December 2nd thru March 2025
Class Options:
Monday and Wednesday – 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Saturday 7:00 to 8:30 AM
Bi-Weekly (24 Sessions) Cost: $325
Tri-Weekly (36 Sessions) Cost: $400
Please visit the Registration & Forms page and complete the required forms.
Report your training sessions to Coach Florin!